Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Raman Spectroscopy of Toluene and Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Lab Report

Raman Spectroscopy of Toluene and Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Rhodamine 6G - Lab Report Example In Raman spectroscopy, light and matter interacts. Both IR and Raman vibrational bands are described by their frequency (i.e energy), band shape, and intensity. At low frequencies, the fingerprint region is found for most compounds. Raman spectroscopy is much easier to use at low frequencies compared to IR, this is because at low frequencies very many bands are visible on the spectrum. With Raman spectroscopy, it is possible to reject the laser beam at low frequency modes; this would minimize the bands that are seen at the fingerprint region. With IR, this is not possible, and as a result the spectrum cannot be refined to reduce the congestion of peaks. Toluene (methylbenzene) has a CH3 group attached to the benzene ring, for IR spectroscopy, the CH3 group exists at just below 1500 cm-1. This is just at the start of the fingerprint region; therefore Raman spectroscopy would be much better at elucidating its structure over IR. Fluorescence is a spectrochemical method of analysis where the molecules of the analyte are excited by irradiation at a certain wavelength and emit radiation of a different wavelength. The emission spectrum provides information for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. When light of an appropriate wavelength is absorbed by a molecule (i.e., excitation), the electronic state of the molecule changes from the ground state to one of many vibrational levels in one of the excited electronic states. The excited electronic state is usually the first excited singlet state, S1 (Figure 1). Once the molecule is in this excited state, relaxation can occur through several processes. Fluorescence is one of these processes and results in the emission of light. Fluorescence corresponds to the relaxation of the molecule from the singlet excited state to the singlet ground state with emission of light. Fluorescence has short lifetime (~10-8 sec) so that in many molecules it can compete favorably with collision deactivation, intersystem crossing and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Sickle Cell Disease Essay Example for Free

Sickle Cell Disease Essay Sickle-Cell Anemia is a genetic blood disorder caused by the presence of an abnormal form of hemoglobin. These hemoglobin molecules tend to aggregate after unloading oxygen forming long, rod-like structures that force the red cells to assume a sickle shape. Unlike normal red cells, which are usually smooth and malleable, the sickle red cells cannot squeeze through small blood vessels. When the sickle cells block small blood vessels, the organs are deprived of blood and oxygen. This leads to periodic episodes of pain and damages the vital organs. Sickle red cells die after only about 10 to 20 days. Instead of the usual 120 days because they cannot be replaced fast enough, the blood is chronically short of red cells, causing anemia. The gene for sickle cell anemia must be inherited from both parents for the illness to occur in children. A child with only one copy of the gene may have sickle-cell traits but no symptoms of illness. Normally healthy blood cells are round shaped blood cells, they move through small blood vessels to carry oxygen to all parts of the body. People with sickle-cell disease their blood cells are not round they are become hard and sticky and look like a C-shaped farm tool called a â€Å"sickle†. The sickle cells die early, which causes a constant shortage of red blood cells. Also, when they travel through small blood vessels, they get stuck and clog the blood flow. This can cause pain and other serious problems like infection, acute chest syndrome and stroke. Some of the common names for sickle-c ell disease are HbS disease, Hemoglobin S Disease, SCD, Sickle cell disorders, Sickle disorder due to hemoglobin S, and Anemia-Sickle Cell; Hemoglobin SS Disease (Hb SS). Sickle-cell disease is mostly inherited by African Americans, Mediterranean countries; Greece, Turkey, and Italy; the Arabian Peninsula, India, and Spanish-speaking regions; South America, Central America, and parts of the Caribbean. The three most common forms of the disease in the United States are Hemoglobin SS or sickle cell anemia, Hemoglobin SC disease, and Hemoglobin sickle beta-thalassemia (a form of Cooleys anemia). â€Å"Sickle cell disease is the most common inherited blood disorder in the United States, affecting 70,000 to 80,000 Americans. The disease is estimated to occur in 1 in 500 African Americans and 1 in 1,000 to 1,400 Hispanic Americans.† A person with the sickle cell trait does not have (and will never have) sickle cell disease. However, the presence of the trait may impact his/her children. A person with the trait carries one abnormal  hemoglobin gene inherited from one parent (S, E, C, etc.) and one normal hemoglobin gene from the other parent (type A ). Typically, sickle cell trait is the presence of hemoglobin AS.Sickle cell disease is not contagious; you cannot catch it. You inherit it from your parents. If, for example, one parent has normal hemoglobin ( type AA) and the second parent has abnormal hemoglobin ( type AS, or the sickle cell trait), there is a 50% chance that each child will have the sickle cell trait, but they will not have sickle cell disease ( type SS). The symptoms of sickle-cell disease usually occur after the age of 4 months. Painful episodes called crises- lasting hours to days; cause pain in the bone of the back, long bones, and chest. When the anemia becomes more severe, symptoms may be fatigue, paleness, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, and yellowing of the eyes and skin (jaundice). Younger children with sickle cell anemia have attacks of abdominal pain. Abdominal pain is pain that you feel anywhere between your chest and groin. This is often referred to as the stomach region or belly. These are the symptoms, and sometimes crises can happen once a year or few times every year. The following symptoms may occur because small blood vessels may become blocked by the abnormal cells painful and prolonged erection (priapism), poor eyesight or blindness, problems with thinking or confusion caused by small strokes, and Ulcers on the lower legs (in adolescents and adults). Over time, the spleen no longer works. As a result, people with sickle cell anemia may have symptoms of infections like Bone infection (osteomyelitis), Gallbladder infection (cholecystitis), Lung infection (pneumonia), and Urinary tract infection. Other symptoms may include delayed growth and puberty, and painful joints caused by arthritis. Tests commonly performed to diagnose and monitor patients with sickle cell anemia are Bilirubin, Blood oxygen, Complete blood count (CBC), Hemoglobin electrophoresis, Serum creatinine, Serum potassium, and Sickle cell test. The treatments for people with sickle-cell disease are blood transfusions (may also be given regularly to prevent stroke), pain medicines, plenty of fluids, and Hydroxyurea (Hydrea). Hydroxyurea is a medicine that may help reduce the number of pain episodes (including chest pain and difficulty breathing) in some people. Antibiotics to prevent bacterial infections, which are common in children with sickle cell disease dialysis or kidney transplant for kidney disease, counseling for psychological complications,  gallbladder removal in people with gallstone disease, hip replacement for avascular necrosis of the hip, surgery for eye problems, treatment for overuse or abuse of narcotic pain medicines, and wound care for leg ulcers. For treatment some of the vaccinations are Haemophilus influenza vaccine (Hib), Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), and Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV). There are a few common organizations that support sickle-cell they are American Sickle Cell Anemia Association, National Heart, Blood and Lung Institution, Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, U.S Center of Disease Control Prevention. Many people have been affected by S ickle-Cell Anemia and only a couple are cured. Although African Americans have a high occurrence of Sickle-Cell Anemia (1 in 500 African Americans), many other nationalities suffer from the disease. Sickle-Cell Anemia affects 8 out of 100,000 people worldwide. Sickle-Cell Anemia should start to be noticed, if not throughout the entire world, then at least America. The more awareness there is for this disease, the fewer death rates we will have as a country. Bibliography

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Aurora is a Typical Teenager in Among The Mourners Essay -- essays res

Aurora is a Typical Teenager in Among The Mourners In the classical short story 'Among the Mourners', written by Ellen Gilchrist, a thirteen year old female deals with 'difficult' times. Aurora, the protagonist, is an average teenager who is faced with emotions of mortification and lust. 'Among the Mourners' conveys Aurora's feelings through the wake her parents have at her house, her new boyfriend, Giorgio, and her parent's marriage. Many times Aurora seems to be being over-dramatic through actions towards her family and boyfriend. Also, Aurora has the predisposition to tell lies, extend the truth, or even make her own belief up about a particular event. Finally, like any adolescent boy or girl, Aurora is boy crazy. Therefore, Aurora is a typical teenager because she is over-dramatic, stretches the truth, and is boy crazy. Aurora tends to over dramatize a lot of events taking place. At the wake her father was holding because a close friend, Mr. Alter, had committed suicide, ?[Aurora] was mortified? (93) because ?there were cars parked all over the yard and police cars in the driveway? (93). One can say that under the circumstances it was expected for people to draw together, to pay reverence to a love one, but Aurora saw it as an inconvenience or an embarrassment. As well as when Mr. Seats, a close friend of Mr. Alter, came to stay, Aurora did not want to give up her room, she states ?I did not kill him. Why should I give up my room (94). Again, Aurora makes a big deal over giving up her room, in understandable circumstances. In addition, when she describes her new boyfriend, Giorgio, ?[he] speaks about fifteen languages and he is so good-looking [one] wouldn?t believe it? (93), her description goes a little too far, bec... ... ?Among the Mourners?, one can see Aurora acts as a typical teenager. She over dramatizes many events in her life, just as if the world is coming to an end. Likewise, Aurora stretches the truth to get what she wants or to possibly get attention. Still, she is boy crazy and curious of what the opposite sex has to offer with her relationship with Giorgio. Aurora is a typical teenager, just like any teenager in today?s times. Many teenagers tend to get embarrassed or become over-dramatic for attention. Also, telling lies to get what they want, because normally teenagers feel as if they are more responsible that what people give them. In Aurora?s case was she was Gifted and Talented. In short, teenagers today end up experimenting or even getting pregnant at a young age, therefore, it is not surprising for Aurora to be curious. Nonetheless, Aurora is a typical teenager.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

 Organizational Teams Essay

Teams are an integral part of the success of organizations today. There are various types of teams found within today’s companies, and some teams perform at higher levels than others. The performance of a team can depend largely on its structure. To understand what makes a team operate be effective and productive requires looking at the various types of teams. Organizations typically developing the following types of teams: manager-led, self-managing, self-designing, and self-governing teams. Not all teams are equally effective for all organizations, and it is important to understand the distribution of authority within the teams. In the manger-led team, the manager acts as the team leader and is responsible for defining the goals, methods, and functioning of the work team (Thompson, 2011,p. 8). Self-managing teams are similar to manager led teams, but team has more flexibility and the manager acts more like guide. This style of team place more responsibility on the individual members to define how the goals and objectives will be met. Self-directing teams operate in the absence of a clearly defined leader and the members share responsibility to state objectives and methods to achieve them. The final type of team is a self-governing team. Self-governing teams and boards of directors are usually responsible for executing a task, managing th eir own performance processes, designing the group, and designing the organizational context (Thompson, 2011,p. 12). Of the various types of teams an organization can implement, manager led teams are often the most common type of team. This is not to say they are the most efficient or productive, but they offer control and are the cost effective. In a manager-led team the manager is responsible for the design of organizational context, team design, and monitoring and managing team performance. The team is responsible for the execution of the assigned task. The advantages of a manager-led include but are not limited to: control over the team, work being performed, efficient, and low cost. In providing one clear responsible party for the team decisions can be made more quickly and the team can quickly change its focus. Potential conflicts may also be resolved in a more efficient manner by having a single  responsible manager to handle situations as they arise. Everyone looks to the manager for instructions (Denning, 2009). Organizations implement this traditional type of team because it works and t o avoid the risk of negative impacts in changing to a new team style. Manager-led teams are not without their own disadvantages. These types of teams have less autonomy and individual freedoms. The ability of team members to trust that the manager can treat members fairly without showing favoritism can create tension. Manager-led teams are not best suited for detailed assignments and are appropriate for clearly defined tasks. Placing sole responsibility upon the manger can limit particular individual’s ability to grow and develop. Even though manager-led teams demonstrate several disadvantages they are still the most frequently style of team within organizations. It is difficult to understand why more organizations do not favor using other team types in place of manager-led teams. Research has indicated that manager-led teams are some of the least productive. The previous chart from The Denning (2009) website indicates that only one other team is performs at a lower rate than manager lead teams. Manager-led teams may have a highly qualified proven leader running the team and still are unable to provide improved results. Manager-led teams require the building of relationships and trust to be successful. Self-managing teams are fast becoming the management practice of choice for organizations that wish to become more flexible, push decision making to the front lines, and fully use employees’ intellectual and creative capacities (Wageman, 1997, p. 1). Business is a constantly changing environment and they must be prepared to adapt accordingly. Although manager-led teams will likely remain the most traditional team used in business because of their advantages, larger more competitive business see the benefits of slowly transitioning to self-managing teams. These teams are very similar in that both use a manager to lead the team, but more responsibility is given to individual team members. Self-managing teams have the ability to increase  productivity, quality, saving and employee morale (Thompson, 2011,p. 9). Employees and managers take more ownership in how the team will function and the methods and practiced used to reach the goals and objectives. Businesses may be reluctant to change the structure largely due to cost. The goal of any business is to make a profit and in an increasingly competitive global business environment there is a reduced appetite for change. Having said that those businesses willing to be more creative and implement self-managing teams could benefit as a result. The type of business, size of organization, structure, and willingness to take some risk are all factors in determining what type of teams will be best suited for their success. It is possible and often likely that business will implement more than one type of team depending on the area of business. Task oriented functions such as order entry, collections, and shipping are best suited for manager-led teams. Research, design, and marketing would appear to benefit from self-managing or self-directed teams. There is no one size fits all team structure and organizations must have knowledgeable understanding of their employees and customer base. References Thompson, L. L. (2011). Making The Team: A Guide for Managers (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Denning, S. (2009). Retrieved from Management/most-high-performance-teams-are-self-organizing.aspx Wageman, R. (1997, Summer). Critical SuccessF actors for Creating Superb Self-ManaginTg eams. Corequniverse, (), 1-13.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Patient-Centered Care

Evidence Based Practice: Patient-centered Care1 Evidence Based Practice: Patient-centered Care Evidence Based Practice: Patient-centered Care2 Patient-centered Care In the definition of patient-centered care it states that we should recognize the patient as the source of control in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs(NAP, 2003). In this quantitative teaching strategy by Pamela Ironside, PhD, RN, FAAN she aims to do that, along with physical comfort and some emotional support for the family.In a culture as diverse as the United States it is of great importance that individuals in the health care field learn to communicate and understand each patient. We must remember when implementing a communication strategy, that there are many elements that affect the experience: cultural variations, personal dignity, and interpersonal relationships. Gathering knowledge of patient’s beliefs, and values, along with community preferences can be an effective strategy to overcoming diversity and improving communication.It is important to understand not only that people are different but also how to embrace these differences in order to supply individuals with appropriate healthcare. This is a teaching strategy about a couple who thought they were doing the best for their first born child but in return was possibly going to lose them forever. There were decisions that they were going to have to make, whether to continue with the treatment or stop it. This was not a usual couple though, they were Buddhists and the staff had no idea what the rituals for death and dying were, along with looking different the couple had dread locks, tattoos, andEvidence Based Practice: Patient-centered Care3 multiple piercings but they also were a mother and father who may be losing their baby. As the nurse introduces herself, which is every time we enter the patient’s room, she is determined to find some sort of connection with the mother. Who turned out to be a very distraught mother who was unable to make any important decisions. The nurse realizes the mother is unable to make clear decisions and talks to her supervisor to set up a care conference so they could talk about this baby’s quality of life.There comes the time when you have to say â€Å"goodbye† to a loved one. Could you do it? Or would you want the doctor to do anything and everything possible to save your loved ones life? Each person has his or her own set of values, norms, and beliefs. Individuals share these with others from their own culture; however with the vast number of separate cultures today it is important to understand not only that people are different but also how to embrace these differences in order to supply individuals with appropriate healthcare.There are many ways in which differences and cultures can affect health care services. Different cultures have different beliefs about health, wellne ss, and healing. This couple wanted to keep their newborn away from all the â€Å"bugs† in the hospital, but that is possibly where his/her life ended. Showing support and respect for different health beliefs creates a better interpersonal relationship between patient and nurse along with the physician. Health care providers should seek and obtain knowledge of their patient’s diverse cultures.In today’s world of diversity, knowledge is a valuable resource. The more the health care providers know the more they will Evidence Based Practice: Patient-centered Care4 understand. When treated with dignity, respect, and genuine concern, a patient along with the entire family is more relaxed and at ease. Evidence Based Practice: Patient-centered Care5 Ironside, P. M. Exploring the Complexity of Advocacy: Balancing Patient-Centered Care and Safety. (n. d. ). Retrieved May 21, 2007, from http://www. qsen. org/teachingstrategy. php? id=58

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

In What ways are Edna St Vincent Millay and Elizabeth Barrett Browning similar in their attitudes to Love and men Essays

In What ways are Edna St Vincent Millay and Elizabeth Barrett Browning similar in their attitudes to Love and men Essays In What ways are Edna St Vincent Millay and Elizabeth Barrett Browning similar in their attitudes to Love and men Paper In What ways are Edna St Vincent Millay and Elizabeth Barrett Browning similar in their attitudes to Love and men Paper she sticks to the images of religion and G-d, With my lost saints, and in G-d choose, I shall but love thee better after death. This emphasises purity and faith to her love. Pity me not, tells the reader not to pity her or to feel sorry for her because the sky gets dark at night, Pity me not because the light of day at close of day no longer walks the sky. Not to feel sorry for her because the seasons change and the world goes on, Pity me not for beauties passed away from field and thicket as the year goes by. Not to pity her because he fell out of love with her Nor that a mans desire is hushed so soon. Not to pity her because love is easy to find and easy to loose, Love is no more than the wide blossom which the wind assails. But DO feel sorry for her because her heart doesnt work with her head, and so she is therefore nai ve, Pity me that the heart is slow to learn what the swift mind beholds at every turn. Pity me not uses images of nature From field and thicket. It also uses the image of blossom, which represents fragility. The sea is also used to show a clear image of the tide coming and going, just as love does, Nor than the ebbing tide goes out to sea. All of the three poems use a pentameter to enhance the seriousness of the sonnet and love. The sonnet by Elizabeth Barrett Browning is very personalised. Barrett Browning uses religion as an image of how much she loves him, because she used to love G-d and now she loves him. Elizabeth uses the rule of three, I love thee freely , I love thee purely ,and I love thee with the passion put to use in my old griefs . When she says; I love thee this very definite and assertive list of how much she loves him is so we dont doubt her love. Elizabeth Barrett Browning is definitely in love, conversely, to Edna St Vincent Millay who doubts love. Elizabeth Barrett Browning uses lots of common nouns, because she wants love to be shown how she feels it really is, and by using phrases such as I love thee with the passion put to use, which gives her emotion an image. Similarly Edna, also uses images to help the reader understand how she feels. Elizabeth Barrett Browning uses more physical images e. g. passion then Edna St Vincent Millay. Elizabeth Barrett Browning begins talking about her soul and how she loves this man to eternity. This shows how we cant measure how large her love is. Elizabeth Barrett Browning uses images of sun and candlelight, which gives me the impression that he is her everlasting light and he provides all the light she needs. Elizabeth ends her sonnet with the quote, I shall love thee better after death, which gives the reader an impression that her love grows stronger with age and that nothing can ever separate them, not even death. All three sonnets use lots of rhetorical devices. Both Edna and Elizabeth use repletion Pity me not , Pity me not and the rule of three is shown in I love thee. These make the phrase stick in your head and enhance their ideas and the depth of Elizabeths love. The sonnets What lips my lips have Kissed and How do I love thee, both begin with the rhyme A, B, B, A. This gives the sonnet a musical feel. The tone of How do I love thee? is one of adoration. She is almost singing to him because she has a religious feeling towards him. The poem is very mysterious because we dont have any idea of what he looks like or acts like so he remains in our imagination. Perhaps Elizabeth Barrett Browning could have done this so that her love remained a secret from her father. All three of the sonnets are a personal interpretation of love and lust. What ever you believe in, whether it is love at first sight, real love or lust, the three sonnets I have chosen express personal views of what Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Edna St Vincent Millay believe is the real truth behind love.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How suspense is created and maintained in the opening scene of the matrix Essays

How suspense is created and maintained in the opening scene of the matrix Essays How suspense is created and maintained in the opening scene of the matrix Paper How suspense is created and maintained in the opening scene of the matrix Paper The Matrix that was created and produced by the wachowski brothers, was revolutionary at the time that it was created and is still being looked upon for being the pioneer of the camera shot bullet time. It was widely reviewed and was quoted the action film of the millennium by Total Film.One way that the directors create suspense is using visual effects. An example of this is bullet time, a revolutionary idea that involves over one hundred and fifty still cameras to create a slow motion picture that creates suspense and creates a certain aura of mystery when you first see it shown.Another way that the directors create suspense is to choose their locations very easily to try and emphasize the importance and aim of a particular scene. One scene that they achieved this was in the nightclub. The reason that they chose a nightclub was to create a sense of safety in numbers. The packed club is less likely to be attacked because of all the people and therefore is a safer place to talk and s hare information that is exactly what they did.The choice of character plays a big part in the creating of suspense. Two characters that achieve this very well are the Agents and Neo. The Agents appear to show no emotion. They wear very bland clothes and always appear very powerful. The first time that you see the Agents you do not know if they are good or bad and the directors turn tyhis confusion into suspense very well. Neo is also used to create suspense, as he is not the usual action hero. He is not incredibly muscular like other action heros such as Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is also a lot more intelligent than others using brain not brawn which separates The Matrix from other stereotypical action movies.Sound effects and music are used a lot throughout the movie. The use of sound effects can be very useful for setting the tone and scene and the directors of The Matrix have achieved this very well and appropriately. For example, when Trinity is running across the roof tops whil e being chased by the agents and the police. The music that is used in this scene follows the movement of Trinity. Therefore, when she slows down as does the music. In addition, when there is a tense moment the music slows down even further and a different style is music is shown as to make it seem out of the ordinary to what you have been watching. This trick creates more suspense than just the tension of the jump. Another time that they use sound effects is when the numbers came up on the screen. The numbers that appear on the screen are zoomed in and so does the music it makes the brain think that it is being pulled into the numbers. We are then shown a police officers torch. The way that this works is that the numbers are shown by zooming in. The audience focus in on the numbers and they realise the question why are the numbers significant?.A good example of editing is when the typing on the computer monitor wakes up Neo. The computer typing then tells him to follow the white ra bbit. When we are first shown this there is no real significance about a white rabbit, this leaves the audience wondering about how it will become significant. A few moments later, the information becomes noticeable as the director uses a point of view shot to create a sense of importance. At first, you are shown Neo catching his eye on something; you then see the rabbit on the shoulder through the point of view of Neo. Although the point of view shot, is what makes you see what he is seeing without the shot before when you see him notice it the point of view shot would not have had the same effect.Editing is also used after just before this when trinity leaves the matrix. The agents talk amongst themselves and they say the search has already begun the next thing that you see is the computer screen in front of Neo with the word search flashing on the screen to bring attention to it as it is being said as the two scenes mould together. This technique is very effective and the directo r has achieved this very well leaving the suspense building until later on in the story.Colour and lighting also plays a big part in the creating of suspense throughout the whole movie. Probably the best example of this is in the opening sequence. When the police officers run through into a dark room and their torches focus in on Trinity. This gives her the center of attention. The directors have deliberately set this scene in a dark room and by using the directed beam of the torches; they have been able to create a sense of importance around Trinity.Voice-overs are not the best way of creating suspense in my opinion but the directors do use it and they do achieve a certain element of suspense using it. One example of the directors using voice-overs is when Trinity jumps across the rooftops. She makes a giant leap and one of the chasing police officers proclaims thats impossible just those two words bring you closer to the screen in anticipation that she might not be able to make it .Setting and scenery plays a huge part in the creating of suspense and the directors accomplish this very well. A very good example of the use of settings and scenery is when we first see Trinity. This is in a hotel room; it is very and with no distinctive distractions other than Trinity a chair and a laptop. This focuses all attention on where trinity is sitting and on to what she is doing. It is also a very small space that comes into effect when they start fighting as the small space makes the action more intense with only a small space for them to fight in.Another piece of voice over happens right at the start of the film. A total blackout with just to people talking makes you concentrate more on what they are saying. A character that we dont know yet says Morphius believes that he is the one just this simple piece of dialogue insights us a range of different questions who is morphius?, Who is he?, what is the one? and who is it who is speaking?. Even from the start of the of th e movie we are being already in the thick of it trying to work out things that we do not even know about.I feel that the actual plot and dialogue creates the best suspense in the matrix, as without that the other pieces that are used would not make sense. The way that the directors have set out and structured this movie makes it truly brilliant. However, for me it is the plot and the dialogue that separates it from the rest.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Accept the Effect

Accept the Effect Accept the Effect Accept the Effect By Catherine Osborn AFFECT/EFFECT These words give writers trouble since the two can be both a noun and a verb, although affect is typically verb and effect, noun. Normally, you will use affect to denote influence. For example: If I play music will it affect your studying? Affect used as a noun means emotion. On the other hand, effect, which is more commonly used as a noun, relates to the consequence or result. The effects of the drug have long since worn off. As a verb, it means to cause or to accomplish: The tornado effected a change in our plan. ACCEPT/EXCEPT Another couple of closely related words which mean different things are accept and except. Accept will refer to receiving or approval of something. I accept your apology. Except refers to an exclusion, as in, not including. I took all those classes except math. Because they sound so similar, these words often become interchanged when we write but meaning two different things, they can really botch a sentence’s meaning! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:45 Synonyms for â€Å"Food†50 Diminutive Suffixes (and a Cute Little Prefix)How to Address Your Elders, Your Doctor, Young Children... and Your CEO

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Communication Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Communication Law - Essay Example During that time, obscenity was defined as anything that can and or had the tendency to corrupt and debauch susceptible minds that were open to such immoral impact and to those hands the content might happen to fall. This was called the Hicklin rule. It meant that if any section of a book or other works could corrupt and or deprave the minds of any person who sees the work, the material was obscene, and no one was allowed to buy or see it (Rault, 2006). This facilitated the censorship of a wide array of materials by the government. Roth simply recapped the proposals lower courts had been trying to put across for years-the test for obscenity should be based on whether an average person, considering the prevalent community standards, the main theme of the material as a whole applies to the voyeuristic interest. This standard offers guidance in the determination of materials that should be considered was essential to distinctly identify actual obscenity and materials that mer ely delve in the areas that are not traditionally bound to society’s norms and acceptability. The court started to consider the many problems that Roth had not covered. In small groups justices sought to clarify queries such as: What is the average person? What is prurient interest? What are the contemporary community standards? In 1950s and 1960s, the Supreme Court adopted a new definition and test for obscenity (Rault, 2006). This was the Roth-Memoirs test. It differed from the previous standard in that: The main theme of the material that was taken as a whole, appeals to the average prurient interest in sex of the person. Materials were taken patently offensive if they affront the contemporary standards of the community on sexual matters. It assumed a single country-wide standard was applicable in the whole country. The material has no social value at all that is, it’s utterly without any redeeming social value. Today, a miller test is used to determine obscenity. S omething is considered obscene if viewed as a whole where the work: Appeals to the prurient interest to the average person applying contemporary community standards. Depicts sexual conduct in a patently offensive manner, measured by the contemporary community standards Lacks serious artistic, literary, political and scientific value. In the past two decades, conformist groups have applied significant pressure on the music and arts industry. The 2 Live Crew is a good example where the band was tried for use of obscenity. For the first time apparently, the court of appeals applied the Miller test to a musical composition with instrumentals and lyrics. The case is particularly controversial as the only evidence presented was the tape recording and the case was tried by a judge with no jury. According to the court, the materials in the 2 Live Crew’s album As Nasty As They Wanna Be was officially obscene considering the community standards and it became illegal to sell or perform in any of Florida’s counties. For instance, the movie: Columbia Holocaust has been a target for censorship by animal and moral activists and has seen about five minutes cut to remove rape scenes and animal cruelty. Applying the Miller test, it is certain that the movie, especially by the community standards at the time of its release, appeals to the prurient interest of an average person. It also contains numerous scenes of high levels sexual violence. The level of artistic, scientific and literary value

You can write the title Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

You can write the title - Assignment Example The company is a company that is useful in the bringing together of labor, business, governments, residents, and to improve lives for individuals. 1. Context- that should be the general layout of the website including visual design. The website for United Way Company is one that is easy to navigate and the color scheme for the website is appropriate for its marketing design. The website is readable because it has some white space that has wordings that can be easily read by the people visiting the website. I would rate the company’s website at 9/ 10 because I have a definite way of navigating the website and the context is understandable. 2. Commerce- The website is safe because it is meant for commercial purposes. A website that is safe is one that cannot pass information about person transacting in the website to people that do not have authorization. It would be appropriate for a company to encrypt its website so that it can become safer to use. I would rate the website at 5/10 because it has no clear security system. 3. Connection- this is the ability of a site to link with other sites. The content should be in such a way that it can be retained or can be used as a path out of the site. For united way, I did not spot such a link and I think that the company should work on that. I would rate the website at 2/10 because there are no connection links. 4. Communication- Communication is a component in which the company is able to communicate to its customers. That is done by the customers signing up for offers that may include surveys and newsletters. United Way Company’s website has a way of communicating with customers because it shows any future events or news that may be useful to the customers. I would rate the website at 8/10 because the company communicates about its future events. 5. Content- This usually includes the sound, graphics, or texts that have been used in the website. The company that

Friday, October 18, 2019

Human rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human rights - Essay Example However, despite the urgency that terror attacks require of the legal attention, human rights are to be put into perspective as the legislations are crafted. Critics of majority of the recently crafted legislations concerning terrorism activities argue that the legislations fail to acknowledge the provisions of human rights as ought to be. In particular, the article five of the European convention of Human rights has clear provisions as regards the universal human rights ascribed to detainees, or arrests on suspension. Terror attack suspects usually face arrests and detention before prosecution in a court of law locally or even across borders through deportation. During the arrests, detentions as well as the transfer from one country to another, the suspects or the culprits are normally subjected to extreme torture, physically as well as psychologically which according to human rights provisions are not warranted for. As the project describes, the legislation on terror activities hav e greatly revolutionized especially since the 2001 great attack in New York city in America. However, the human rights activists have on the other hand designed and imposed the provisions of human rights that when evaluated against the terror legislations, the laws are all violations to the rights as provided for within the human rights statutes. The fifth chapter of the ‘Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms’1 stipulates that every individual has a right to safety and freedom. It outlines the provisions that govern human liberty and outlines the only times when personal liberty may be deprived especially in the event of procedures that are prescribed by law. It provides that people have the right to know through being told reasons to their arrest. This implies that prior to the arrest and being to custody for any case of violation to a country’s law, a person is entitled to full information. Detained persons and/or persons arrest ed on suspicion should be taken through trial within a reasonable time. It also provides for releases on conditions of appearing for trial. Detainees or persons in custody and whose rights to liberty are denied through slow trial have equal rights to quickened legal proceedings through which the lawfulness of their detention would be determined. The article also stipulates that under clear confirmation that any of the provisions under the article are deprived to any person under arrest or in detention, then he/she has legal and enforceable provision to compensation. However, the article also provides exceptional circumstances under which the human rights provision to personal liberty may be legally deprived in accordance to defined legislations. Therefore, in summary of the articles provision, all persons have the provisions by law to personal liberty and under the conditions provided for under which the liberty to a person may be infringed, then the deprivation must runs as per the law, continue for a reasonable period of time and must equally be proportionate. However, a critical analysis of the current legislations on terror, the suspects does suffer prolonged pre-charge detention even as compared to other suspects. The controls orders as well as the TPIM (Terrorism Prevention and Investigation

Religious Belief versus Intellectual Acceptance Essay

Religious Belief versus Intellectual Acceptance - Essay Example Theology is the organizing and systematizing of the doctrines of a religion to make them consistent with each other and relevant to the rest of life. It means the evaluation and correction of doctrine. One doctrine is not just as good as another unless it gives equal expression to the same belief, equal in the sense of being as true to experience and as easy to understand in the terms of its expression. A detached study of doctrines in relation to knowledge as a whole is undertaken in the philosophy of religion (Foster, 2000). Some doctrines do not change with changing a life but remain constant because the aspect of the experience to which they refer remains constant. An example, to be discussed more fully later, is the doctrine of the two natures of Christ. Working with the facts of Jesus' humanity and the conviction of his Deity as well, the Church after rejecting doctrinal formulations expressed in terms of dual personalities, or dual wills, or Divine spirit inhabiting a human body, settled on the doctrine of the two natures; namely, that Christ was fully man and fully God, yet one person (Willard, 2000). The doctrine of the two natures of Christ is held to this day because a better formulation of the central conviction has not been found. And, of course, insofar as there is similarity of belief and culture, there will be similarity of doctrine--hence, the degree of consistency within a particular religion that sets it apart from other religions. For example, in the doctrine of the Trinity--that God is one in three persons--person means something quite different from our contemporary idea of a person. Failure to appreciate this often makes people think that Christianity affirms the existence of three Gods. Or again, Protestants affirm their faith in the "holy Catholic Church," even though for many of them the first association of the word catholic is with the Roman Catholic Church rather than with the universal body of Christian believers, as they really define it.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Counseling (Exisential Therapy) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Counseling (Exisential Therapy) - Essay Example In the spiritual approach, a transcendent answer to the four themes is believed to exist. In the atheistic approach, it is believed that there is no answer to the four major questions. One thing that is for certain for a human being is death. There is no denying it. But one cannot move forward in life if the person if afraid of death. The awareness of a person's life being limited by death can cause anxiety. But ignoring the presence of death in a person's lives will not help either. One will have to use the knowledge of the limitation of life to the best advantage for succeeding in life. Dr. Hoffman states that a person who finds the balance between the awareness of death and finding strength not to get overcome by it will have better chance of leading a fulfilling life (Existential Therapy, Freedom and Responsibility always come together. When people try to enjoy their freedom while ignoring their responsibilities, chances are that psychological consequences like depression, anger and anxiety starts to occur. Every person is free to choose their path in life, but at the same time he or she should take full responsibility of the outcome. One should never blame another human being for anything that happens in life. This also means that one should never let any belief or organization take charge of their lives. Also one should have the awareness that he or she is not powerless in any situation, either natural calamities, or diseases, or oppression, that he or she is responsible for themselves and the predicament there are currently in. Isolation Throughout one's life, a person is involved in different relations with all the people around him. In doing that the person might try to have a hold in the other person's life. But one needs to realize that human beings are essentially alone in this world. One needs to find validation from within, not from others. This awareness will make one live life more to the fullest than live thoughtlessly (Existential Therapy, Meaninglessness The human life can be described as a journey to find the meaning of life or a journey to create a meaning for life. When one thinks about the human life in terms of the isolation it faces, it might appear meaningless to stay alive. It is now that the urgency of creating one's own values and find or create own meanings for life becomes apparent. This will give the person a feeling of significance and will make the person strong enough to uphold the newly found meaning through life. The Therapy Existential Therapy when applied to real life situation can be viewed from four different angle, they are; the view of man, the goals of therapy, the role of the therapist and the role of the client. The view of man Man being a social animal longs to connect with others and might try to find

Questionnaires for dissertation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Questionnaires for dissertation - Essay Example .......................................................................................................................... Why?.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Why?........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Why?.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Why?........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Why?.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Explain........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Why?.................................................................................................................................................................................................

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Counseling (Exisential Therapy) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Counseling (Exisential Therapy) - Essay Example In the spiritual approach, a transcendent answer to the four themes is believed to exist. In the atheistic approach, it is believed that there is no answer to the four major questions. One thing that is for certain for a human being is death. There is no denying it. But one cannot move forward in life if the person if afraid of death. The awareness of a person's life being limited by death can cause anxiety. But ignoring the presence of death in a person's lives will not help either. One will have to use the knowledge of the limitation of life to the best advantage for succeeding in life. Dr. Hoffman states that a person who finds the balance between the awareness of death and finding strength not to get overcome by it will have better chance of leading a fulfilling life (Existential Therapy, Freedom and Responsibility always come together. When people try to enjoy their freedom while ignoring their responsibilities, chances are that psychological consequences like depression, anger and anxiety starts to occur. Every person is free to choose their path in life, but at the same time he or she should take full responsibility of the outcome. One should never blame another human being for anything that happens in life. This also means that one should never let any belief or organization take charge of their lives. Also one should have the awareness that he or she is not powerless in any situation, either natural calamities, or diseases, or oppression, that he or she is responsible for themselves and the predicament there are currently in. Isolation Throughout one's life, a person is involved in different relations with all the people around him. In doing that the person might try to have a hold in the other person's life. But one needs to realize that human beings are essentially alone in this world. One needs to find validation from within, not from others. This awareness will make one live life more to the fullest than live thoughtlessly (Existential Therapy, Meaninglessness The human life can be described as a journey to find the meaning of life or a journey to create a meaning for life. When one thinks about the human life in terms of the isolation it faces, it might appear meaningless to stay alive. It is now that the urgency of creating one's own values and find or create own meanings for life becomes apparent. This will give the person a feeling of significance and will make the person strong enough to uphold the newly found meaning through life. The Therapy Existential Therapy when applied to real life situation can be viewed from four different angle, they are; the view of man, the goals of therapy, the role of the therapist and the role of the client. The view of man Man being a social animal longs to connect with others and might try to find

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

An analysis into the Biblical Story of Jonah Research Paper

An analysis into the Biblical Story of Jonah - Research Paper Example As a further means of understanding these complexities, this brief research paper will delve into the determinants of the story of Jonah and seek to find the most compelling and powerful comparisons and references to other Biblical concepts as can be found. The first aspect of the story of Jonah that bears mention is the time period in which tit took place. As anyone who has a modicum of understanding with regards to the nation of ancient Israel can readily attest, the nation was one that soon became drunk on their own â€Å"chosen† status. Whereas it was indeed iterated by God time and again throughout the Old Testament that He had set them aside as a people and that they were indeed his most believed among all the earth, the underlying purpose for this was all too often forgotten or missed entirely by the shareholders and religious leadership within the country. Instead of seeking to integrate an understanding of appreciation and humility for such an honored space in all of the nations of the earth, the nation of Israel developed an overtly haughty and arrogant posture that understood the blessing to mean that all other nations should bow at their feet as they were the gifted and blessed of the Almighty (Hamel, 1995). This was a fundamental error due to the fact that God ultimately intended this blessing to cause a type of leadership among the nations of the earth. By providing the nation of Israel with such a benevolent gift of superiority and love, it was the intention that they would then take these gifts, or talents, and utilize them as a witness unto all of the other nations and peoples; showing the manner in which God’s love and affection could present one of the greatest gifts that mankind had ever seen. However, as can be seen through various stories, inclusive of the story of Jonah, the extent to which this ideal was actually realized was all but non-existent. Instead, the nation of Israel turned to an arrogant interpretation of Godâ₠¬â„¢s blessings and began to hoard their status; requiring constant exile and humiliation to seek to re-integrate with them the present need to be a missionary nation – a beacon to the world. Jonah exhibits much the same arrogance with regards to God’s directive to speak to the people of Nineveh. This aspect of calling and rebellion is not only a central theme to the story of Jonah but also to the way in which humanity ultimately relates to the presence and voice of God within Christianity. This again strikes at the very concept of truth and the means by which an individual integrates with this. Although there are many different means to interpret many theological theories and passage of the Bible, the story of Jonah does not leave one with a great deal of leeway with regards to the means by which it can be interpreted. Ultimately, a man is met with the difficult requirements that God insists must be carried out, the man then decides that the commands are nonsensical a nd ridiculous and thereby shirks the responsibility, then necessitates a chain of actions to be brought down

Monday, October 14, 2019

War Prayer Response Essay Example for Free

War Prayer Response Essay God does not choose sides. The word, choose, is listed in the dictionary as â€Å"to pick by preference.† God has no preferences. He has an all knowing and understanding, compassionate heart, which is free of any illusory appeals. God only serves the beings on earth so as to teach them about themselves. Self-actualization is the only thing that can bring humans into full control over ourselves. Humans often do not understand what it is they hope for; if they were to fully understand the implications of it, they would be unable to continue to stand for the wrong doings they wished to be. This is observed in, Mark Twain’s, War Prayer. In the short story, War Prayer, a messenger of god is sent to explain exactly what a mass of people is praying. The people use euphemisms, seemingly unknowingly, in their chants to ask God for victory in the Philippines, during the Spanish American war. The hymns contained phrases such as â€Å" thunder thy clarion and lighting thy sword.† After the messenger speaks the true meaning of the words, the prayer becomes a romanticized and misrepresented portrayal of the true nature of war. At the very end of the messenger’s address, to the people, he asks them, â€Å"Ye have prayed it, if ye still desire it, speak! The messenger of the most high awaits.† The people respond, or rather lack there of, with silence. The messenger is later thought to be a lunatic. Though God tried to explain to them their actions, they failed to see the truth and benevolent power than enveloped the words. The one who knows, sees, and understands all granted the opportunity of a second chance, and the humans once again took the opportunity for granted. God does not choose sides; he gives those who he wishes to learn the opportunity to do so for themselves.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

An Overview Of Tourist Motivation Tourism Essay

An Overview Of Tourist Motivation Tourism Essay Tourist motivation is seen by many writers as one of the key elements in understanding tourist decision-making behaviour. A sound understanding of travel motivation plays a critical role in predicting future travel patterns and destination selection. The big answer to the basic question, why do people travel? has occupied the minds of tourist researchers for many years. Many different motives compel people to travel. Various methods have been employed to uncover travel motives. The following literature will shed light on various theories that can be used to have a knowledge why people travel to urban destination. Tourist motivation can be defined as the global integrating network of biological and cultural forces which gives value and direction to travel choices, behaviour and experience. (Pearce, Morrison Rutledge, 1998). Put simply, motivation is a state of arousal of a drive or need which impels people to activity in pursuit of goals. Once the goals have been achieved the need subsides and the individual returns to the equilibrium-but only briefly because new motives arise as the last one is satisfied. As cited in Seaton (1997) motivation of the individual person to travel, to look outside for what he cannot find inside have been largely created by society and shaped by everyday life. Grays (1979) travel-motivation theory, poses only two main motives for travel. One is the desire to go from a known to an unknown place, called in Grays theory wanderlust. The other motive is what Grays called sunlust. This generates a trip to a place which can provide the traveler with specific facilities t hat do not exist in his or her own place of residence. Some of the motives which determine their travel choices are recreation, pleasure, new experiences, cultural interest, shopping. The existence of internal and external factors which motivates human behavior is assumed by many authors. Kotler (182) for example, stipulate that motivation can be caused by the result of internal and external stimuli. Internal stimuli arise from personal needs and wants that can be physiological, social, egocentric, safety, and self-actualisation. External stimuli arise from marketing. Travel motives can be personal (personal training, compensation, rest and knowledge) or interpersonal (resulting from social relations) (dann, 1977, Yoon and Uysal, 2005). Dann (1977) classifies personal motives as those that predispose the individual for travelling, escape from daily routines, the desire to escape from solitude while interpersonal motives arise from the need to seek some form of social recognition that is obtained through travel. According to the push and pull concept, Crompton (1979), push factors explains the desire for travel while the pull motives have been used to explain the actual destination choice. Nine motivations of leisure travelers were identified and classified seven as socio-psychological or push motives and two as cultural or pull motives. The seven push motives were, escape from a perceived mundane environment, exploration and evaluation of self, relaxation, prestige, regression, enhancement of kinship relationships, and facilitation of social interaction. The pull motives were novelty and education. Maslow (1943) identified two motivational types: tension-reducing motives; arousal-seeking motives. There are five needs forming a hierarchy, progressing from the lower to the higher needs. At the bottom are the basic needs for food, water and air. Then, above them is the need for safety, security, and protection. The higher needs in this hierarchy only come into focus when the lower needs in the pyramid are met. Once an individual has moved upwards to the next level, needs in the lower level will no longer be prioritized. Cooper et al (2005) questioned Maslows theory saying that why and how Maslow selected the basic five needs remain unclear, although Page (2003) feels that it has relevance in understanding how human action is understandable and predictable compared to research which argues that human behaviour is essentially irrational and unpredictable. Though much criticism about Maslows theory, the tourism literature has borrowed a lot from Maslow since he provides a convenient set of containers that can be relatively labeled and provide a useful framework for understanding psychological motivational factors in tourism. Thus, for example, although the apparent purpose of a trip may be for shopping, the underlying psychological motivation may be to impress their neighbours and gain higher social status. Iso-Ahola (1982) says that tourists will switch roles while on holiday, and that over time different needs will arise. Single motivation may not always act as the determining factor for travel. If within the holiday, the initial needs are satisfied, other motivations might emerge. Indeed, it is congruent with Maslows theories of needs to argue that if initially there is a primary need for relaxation while on a holiday, the satisfaction of that need will create awareness of other needs such as exploration of place as a means of acquiring a sense of belonging or to enable processes of self-actualisation to take place. Dann (1981) has identified seven elements of tourist motivations: travel as a response to what is lacking yet desired; destination pull in response to motivational push; motivation as fantasy(engage in behaviour and activities that are culturally unacceptable in their home environment like prostitution and gambling); motivation as classified purpose(VFRs); motivational typologies; motivation and tourist experiences; motivation as auto-definition and meaning (the way in which tourist define their situations and respond to them).[Page Connell,2003]. Beard and Ragheb (1983:225), propose four motivational needs which came from the work of Maslow (1970).These are: the intellectual component (such as learning, exploring, discovering, thought or imagining), the social component where individuals engage in leisure activities for social reasons. This component includes two basic needs (need for friendship and interpersonal relationships and the need for the esteem of others), the competence-mastery component assesses the extent to which individuals engage in leisure activities in order to achieve, master, challenge and compete. The activities are usually physical in nature and finally the stimulus-avoidance component of leisure motivation which assesses the drive to escape and get away from over-stimulating life situations. It is the need for some individuals to avoid social contacts, to seek solitude and calm conditions; and for others it is to seek to rest and to unwind themselves. These four motivations form the foundation of their Leisure Motivation. P.Pearce (1988) using the concept of a travel ladder when investigating motivation for tourism, suggested that motivation are multivariate and dynamic, changing particularly as a result of ageing and lifecycle stage, as well as being influenced by other people. He proposed the following motivation categories: relaxation, stimulation, relationship, self-esteem and development, fulfillment. In Pearces model, the motivations listed can be divided into two categories. The needs may be self-centered or directed at others. Thus, for instance, relaxation may be a solo exercise where the holiday-maker seeks a quiet restful time alone or it can be relaxation in the company of others, springing from the need for external excitement and desire for novelty. Stimulation can be self-directed which springs from the concern for own safety, or it can be directed toward others arising out of the concern for others safety. Relationship can be self-directed which means giving love and affection and main taining relationships, or it can be directed at others which means receiving affection, to be with group membership. Self-esteem and development maybe self-directed like development of skills, special interests, competence and mastery, or it may be directed at others like prestige, glamour of travelling. Fulfillment is totally self-directed as it fulfils individual dreams, understands oneself more and experience inner peace and harmony. There are some criticisms against Pearces travel motivations. For example, Pearce argues that stimulation may be understood along a dimension of risk and safety of self or others. However, it might be argued that there is a real and distinctive difference between these two motivations. Chadwick (1987) provided a simplified categorization of why people travel under three main headings. These are as follows: Pleasure: leisure, culture, active sports, visiting friends and relatives, Professional: Meeting, missions, business, etc, other purposes: Study, health and transit. Classifying tourist behaviours have important implications for the study of the impact of tourism on destination. Shaw Williams (2002) opines that many of the typologies are based around identifying the significant traits of tourists. According to Klenosky (2002) travel behaviour is motivated by two sets of factors, one that influences or pushes a person to consider travelling outside his or her everyday environment and another set that attracts or pulls that person to visit a particular destination. Several sociological theories have been put forward in the tourist literature in an attempt to explain motivation. Cohen (1972), in his early studies sub-divided tourist into four types based on motivation. He asserted that all tourists are seeking some element of novelty and strangeness while, at the same time, most also need to retain something familiar. He distinguished tourist using sociological principles into organized mass tourist, individual mass tourists, explorer and drifter. Hence, at one end of his continuum was the organized mass tourist seeking familiarity in the holiday surroundings, while at the other end, the drifter is willing to accept far more strangeness. Smith (1977) provided a more detailed variant of Cohens tourist typologies. Smith (1977) identifies 7 categories of tourist who have been termed as interactional typologies: explorer, elite, off-beat, unusual, incipient mass, mass, and charter. However, Plog (1990) criticised the validity of Smiths typology. Shaw Williams (2002) argued that Plogs typology is built upon asking tourists about their real general lifestyles or value systems, often using perceptual information derived from in-depth interviews. Plog suggested two set of individual: allo-centric and psycho-centric. The latter are concerned primarily with the self, are inhibited and non-adventurous. In term of tourist behaviour, psycho-centrics want the familiar and are unlikely to travel great distances to explore new tourism destinations. Conversely, the former are confident, naturally inquisitive and seek out the unfamiliar when travelling. This typology can be used to examine tourist motivations as well as attitudes to particular destinations and modes of travel. Johns Gyimothy (2002) states that Plog (1973) used a psychometric scale to categorise tourists into allocentric, midcentric and psychocentric, depending on individuals relative focus on their own culture and the one they are visiting. Psychocentrics tourists like nice swimming pool; well organized trip; good facilities; pub lunches. Cooper et al (2005) feel they are conservative in their travel patterns. However, Cooper et al (2005) questions the applicability of the typology. They feel that tourists may on a second visit travel to nearby psychocentric-type areas, whereas the main holiday maybe in an allocentric-type destination. Gottlieb(in Davidoff and Davidoff,1983) as cited in Seaton(1997), suggests that there are two kinds of tourists-those who seek a pampered lifestyle beyond their means in everyday life while the latter, having access to material luxuries in their everyday life, seek simpler, more primitive contacts in their leisure(e.g. on safaris, roughing it on adventure h olidays, etc). Shaw Williams (2002) states few problems associated with tourist typologies. Firstly, typologies are relatively static models due to lack of information (Lowyck et al, 1990).Secondly, individuals change as tourists over time. Changing patterns of tourist behaviour do not exist in sufficient detail or scale. Tourist typologies offer just mere generalities. According to Shaw Williams (2002) these typologies are beneficial despite their limitations. They provide insight into motivations of tourist and their behaviour. An insight of the various types of tourism purpose and motivation is crucial for those planning and marketing tourist destinations. All service providers and tourism planners must know why people want their products. However, there are many problems of determining tourism motivations. According to Seaton (1997) people rarely think about the underlying reasons for their actions. Motivations for activities may not bear too much self-critical scrutiny like sex tourism. Again tourism motivations often include contradictory impulses. Seaton (1997) typifies two such sets of opposing desires: Novelty and adventure (exploring a new place) vs. Familiarity and security (staying in a hotel with familiar comforts). Another problem is that it is often difficult to distinguish individual motives from socially constructed vocabularies of motives. People often give reasons for doing things that they have been programmed to give, none of which may constitute the real reason for a trip. According to P age (2003), if we are able to understand what prompts people to leave their homes and travel to new places, then we may be able to develop approaches that will help us to manage the tourists and their impacts and plan an enjoyable experience for them. More fundamentally, understanding tourist motivation may help to explain why certain places are more developed as successful tourism destination than others and then continued to grow, stagnated or declined as tastes and fashions changed.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Love and Marriage an Affliction or an Alliance: Deceit and Betrayal in

During the Middle Ages and Renaissance period marriage and love were idealized, divine and celebrated. Weddings were large events that included the entire families of both the groom and the bride. Reality was different; women were viewed as being fickle, inferior to men and a possession of men. Women had very little, if any, choice in who they would marry. Marriages were arranged so that both families would benefit in gaining wealth or power. Even though the ruler of England for over 4 decades was female, women were still not respected. Women were kept at home and not allowed to take place in public events. In Shakespeare’s Richard III, male and female relationships are displayed as deeply cynical and are based on lies, lust and political gain. First, the relationship between Lady Anne and Richard is not the only, but one example, of a relationship that is based on lies. As Lady Anne mourns over the murder of her father-in-law Henry VI, Richard comes and greets her with â€Å"sweet saint† (1.2.49) and â€Å"bolsters this greeting with a string of compliments, to which she responds with curses† (Miner, 47). Richard says that the reason he murdered Henry VI and Edward is because of her beauty. â€Å"Your beauty was the cause of that effect/ Your beauty, that did haunt me in my sleep/ To undertake the death of all the world (1.2.126-128)†. In saying this, Richard â€Å"directs culpability from himself and onto the female figure† (Miner, 47). Richard thought that â€Å"her beauty served as incentive for murder† (Miner, 48). But he lied; he killed both to get closer to the throne, and wooed Anne for the same reason. Second, the relationship between Princess Elizabeth and Richard serves as an example of one that is based on lust. Since Elizabeth â€Å"remains t... ...chard are used as political gain and the new King Richmond is crowned. The basis’s of these relationships are weak and did not, or in some cases, will not last. Richard realizes that Anne is no longer any use to him, and makes a plan to kill her. â€Å"Rumour it abroad / The Anne my wife is very grievous sick / I will take order for her keeping close (4.2.51-53)†. Queen Elizabeth saves her daughter from Richard and sends a proposal to Richmond. Richmond may try to form a closer bond with Elizabeth, or abuse his new power as king. Therefore, the examples in the play give us the message that, relationships that are not based on love, personality and happiness will end unsuccessfully. â€Å"Ay me, for aught that I could ever read / Could ever hear by tale or history / The course of true love never did run smooth (Shakespeare, "A Midsummer Night's Dream" 1.1.132-134)†.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mildred D. Taylor Essay

The successful and renowned author Mildred D. Taylor was born in Mississippi, Jackson and has used her excellent writing style to create the thrilling and compelling novel â€Å"Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry† to put across her knowledge and experience of the complexities of the south when there was legalised segregation of Blacks and Whites. The interesting and diverse characters in this story were skilfully created by Taylor to put across the varied and often devastating injustices that regularly occurred in the south during The Great Depression of the 1930s. For the purposes of this essay I will be discussing the experiences and reactions of two very different characters, Uncle Hammer and Mr. Morrison. The reason for my choice is that I feel they are characters that in some way stand out when looking at their experiences and actions in regards to the question. They are two very diverse characters particularly physically Mr Morrison was a â€Å"human tree in height, the long trunk of his massive body, his skin the deepest of ebony† relating to where he came from which was two â€Å"strong like bulls† parents which suggested that he had a family heritage of stud farms. Uncles hammer â€Å"dark, red-brown skin, a square jawed face†. These two men are used in this novel to represent an understanding of the south through experience of violence. Uncle hammer fought in the civil war along with his brother who had died. Mr Morrison had regularly been confronted by violence through family and the loss of his job. They use this violence to battle racism that is put towards them and confront it when needed in their environment but in different ways and Uncle Hammer will do anything to stop racism as he does not like it for the fact his brother was killed by whites. When Mr Morrison is confronted there is no stopping this machine that was brought from knowledge of the creations in stud farms â€Å"They was both of them from breeded stock and they was strong like bulls† but he only acts in self-defence. In contrast uncle hammer is the owner of land whilst Mr Morrison is a poor sharecropper. They are two very diverse characters although they have similar qualities. Mr Morrison the poor sharecropper has only friends he can rely on because of his story in the railroad business. He shows how grateful he is and this lands him a job in the Logan family business. Uncle hammer gets land from the Logans because he can protect their business from going down the drain. Mr Morrison a calm man had a tragic event; he experienced the killing of his own father and mother during the civil war when they had come after them that are the white people. Mr Morrison had also another experience of segregation when he got fired from the railroad business for beating up the white people. He was fired got fired because he was black and therefore was not good enough while the whites had stayed on to their job. This showed an example of how the south was at this time. On the other hand, Uncle Hammer experienced the same occurrence as Mr Morrison but his family was his two brothers that sacrificed themselves to make life better for blacks. During the civil war Uncle Hammer and his two brothers fought for how they believed the world should be. Uncle Hammer came out with a broken leg â€Å"limping slightly on his left leg† His brothers failed to return and he has come back to avenge his brothers and also to get justice. In conclusion, to this compelling book Mildred D Taylor used these two characters due to the fact that they were the tellers of what the south was like during the period of legalised segregation. They used their understanding to explain the difficulties as well as what would happen to Blacks if they were to disobey Whites.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Johnson Beverage Inc Essay

As president and primary owner of Johnson Beverage, Inc. (JBI), Jack Johnson was beginning to realize that retaining long-term customers was becoming a challenge. During a delivery run yesterday, driver Joe Stevens had noticed a competitor’s sales manager talking with the general manager of Saver Superstore, one of JBI’s largest customers. Then, that morning, Johnson’s sales manager, Marsha Ketchum, had mentioned that, during her visit with the same general manager on Wednesday, he was starting to make some noises about wanting to negotiate a lower price. This could cause a dilemma because this customer had been one of the company’s largest and most loyal customers for years. Johnson leaned back in his chair. These things always seemed to come up on Friday— just in time to monopolize his thoughts over what otherwise would have been a restful weekend. Deciding to address the situation head on, he scheduled a meeting with Stevens, Ketchum, and several others for later that afternoon. Company Background JBI distributed beverages to retail customers. The company had been in business for two decades and had become a preferred distributor among several retail outlets in the local area. JBI primarily distributed bottled sports drinks made by small specialty beverage companies, and its business had grown steadily with the popularity of sports drinks over the past 10 to  20 years. Last year, JBI’s revenues totaled $12 million. The company serviced about 20 customers whose beverage purchases totaled anywhere from about $100,000 to over $1 million annually. The undiscounted list price on the sports drinks that JBI distributed was $15.20 per case of 24 bottles. The full cost (excluding customer service costs) of the bottled drinks was $13.10 per case. The company offered discounts to some of its customers, which varied by customer based on a number of factors, including the volume of drinks the customer purchased, the future potential of the customer, and the negotiating success of the company’s sales representative, among others. This case was prepared by Associate Professor Luann J. Lynch. It was written as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation. Copyright ïÆ' £ 2009 by the University of Virginia Darden School Foundation, Charlottesville, VA. All rights reserved. To order copies, send an e-mail to No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of the Darden School Foundation. Rev. 6/09. This document is authorized for use only by madelene manu at Douglas College. Please do not copy or redistribute. Contact for questions or additional permissions. The Meeting Johnson opened the meeting by summarizing what he had heard from Stevens and Ketchum over the past couple of days. â€Å"It looks like we’ve got some competition for one of our best customers: Saver Superstore. I guess I’m not too surprised. They’re a big customer.† â€Å"This isn’t the first time this has happened,† added Ketchum. â€Å"You might remember that this same competitor has approached Saver Superstore before. But that time, we were able to keep the business by offering a bit more of a discount. I think we’ll have to do more of that this time, or I’m afraid we’ll lose the customer.† Johnson responded quickly. â€Å"We can’t get into a price war on this. I know this is a big customer, and a loyal one too, but it’s certainly not one of our most profitable. I had Jim pull some numbers together on several of our accounts. Saver Superstore is one of our lowest-margin customers. Take a look.† Jim Thomas in accounting, who was also in the meeting, had prepared a report (Exhibit 1), which Johnson laid on the table for the others to look at. Thomas explained how the accounting group compiled the numbers: For each customer, we just pull the revenues right out of the accounting system. We know what they ordered and what we shipped, and we know what price we charge each customer, so that part is pretty easy. And we know that the cost per case, excluding our customer service costs, is $13.10. So we can multiply $13.10 per case by the number of cases we shipped to get our cost of goods. Then, we subtract our cost of goods from revenues for each customer and get a gross margin. Now, you may remember that we’ve talked about how hard it is to trace our customer service costs to any particular customer. Our customer service costs run about $1.2 million a year, roughly 10% of revenues. To make things easy, we allocate those to each customer based on its share of the company’s total revenues. So if a customer accounts for 5% of our revenues, we allocate it 5% of our customer service costs. Then, we calculate a customer margin for each customer. Johnson looked at the numbers and said: I don’t think we can lower our price to Saver Superstore much more and make any money on this one. And just think, if we offer a larger discount to them, then we’ll have our other customers wanting the same thing—especially the other big ones. I can see it now: Marsha is going to walk in here next  month and tell us that Oscar’s OddLots has heard about the deal we struck with Saver Superstore, has been talking with that competitor, and they want the same thing. This document is authorized for use only by madelene manu at Douglas College. Please do not copy or redistribute. Contact for questions or additional permissions. Oscar’s OddLots, a large local retailer on the edge of town, was another of JBI’s large customers. Jason Rodgers, the operations manager for JBI, was listening carefully. This was the first he had heard of the situation, but to a careful observer, his nod would have revealed what he was thinking. He said: You know, I’m not a bit surprised to hear all this. Saver Superstore is a great customer. They buy lots of beverages, and they’re easy to deal with. They place their orders on a regular basis and almost never ask for anything special. I don’t remember the last time we had to run around in the warehouse pulling together a rush order from them. Who wouldn’t want that business? Stevens agreed, â€Å"You’re right. I almost never have to change my delivery schedule because they’ve asked for quick delivery. And they’re right around the corner, so they’re easy for us to get to.† Rodgers continued: I think about some of our other customers. They seem to never be able to  anticipate that they’ll be out of stock. Then they call us and make it our problem to deal with. It seems like we have some customers that we work on all day every day. Why can’t that competitor go after those customers? It’s hard for me to believe that some of those customers are more profitable than Saver Superstore. Maybe we ought to add what we guys in the warehouse call a â€Å"pain factor† onto those other customers and then see who is most profitable for us. As Johnson listened, he realized Rodgers might be onto something. â€Å"Jim, what types of costs are included in those customer service costs?† Thomas replied, â€Å"Well, that number includes several things.† He continued: It includes anything related to handling the beverages, like picking the beverages from the warehouse shelves according to the order instructions, moving the beverages over to the dock, and loading them on the delivery truck. It includes any costs related to taking, coordinating, and administering the orders, like what we pay the people in the sales office who take phone orders from customers, the supervisory costs to administer the order, and similar things. It includes anything related to delivering the beverages to the customer’s location, like the cost of the delivery trucks, truck maintenance, and what we pay Joe and people like him to drive the trucks. It includes anything related to all those rush orders you’re talking about, like overtime, extra scheduling, and stuff like that. And it includes what we pay Marsha for what she does, like visiting the customers to check in on them. So there’s quite a bit of stuff in there. Johnson thought about this. â€Å"So you’re telling me that there are some customers that you are spending a lot more time on than others? And it’s not Saver Superstore?† This document is authorized for use only by madelene manu at Douglas College. Please do not copy or redistribute. Contact for questions or additional permissions. â€Å"That’s right,† Rodgers replied. Johnson continued, â€Å"But since our accounting system is allocating these customer service costs based on revenues, and since Saver Superstore is one of our biggest customers, it’s allocating a large share of those costs to Saver Superstore.† â€Å"Exactly,† Thomas said. Let me do this: Let me spend a couple of days collecting some information. I’ll need some help from each of you because I want to try to find out how much of your time you are spending on each of our customers. Maybe it’s time to get more sophisticated about how we look at these customer service costs. It may be worth the effort. Stevens, Ketchum, and Rodgers all agreed to spend some time with Thomas so he could summarize the amount of activity they devoted to each customer. They would meet again the following Friday. Thomas promised to compile an analysis that might help them determine how profitable each of their customers really was. Activity Analysis Before he left for the weekend, Thomas decided to pull together some information about the customer service costs he had described in the meeting: handling the product, taking the orders, delivering the product, expediting rush orders, and visiting the customer. He searched through the accounting system and determined how much of the annual $1.2 million in customer service costs was associated with each of those categories (Table 1). Table 1. Customer service costs during the prior year by area of activity. Area of activity Total $ Product handling Taking orders from customers Delivering the product Expediting deliveries (other than automobile) Sales visits to customers Total $ 672,000 100,000 140,000 198,000 90,000 $ 1,200,000 This document is authorized for use only by madelene manu at Douglas College. Please do not copy or redistribute. Contact for questions or additional permissions. Then, on Monday, Thomas met individually with Stevens, Ketchum, and Rodgers. With their help, he determined what he thought to be the primary driver of the costs in each of those customer service categories (Table 2). Table 2. Cost drivers by area of activity. Area of activity Cost driver Product handling Taking orders from customers Delivering the product Expediting deliveries (other than automobile) Sales visits to customers Number of cases sold Number of purchase orders Number of miles traveled Number of expedited deliveries Number of sales visits Thomas determined from the company’s accounting records that the company sold 800,000 cases of beverages and processed 500 purchase orders the previous year. Stevens checked the mileage records for the delivery vehicles and determined that the vehicles had traveled a total of 44,800 miles. Rodgers was able to determine that the company made 4,480 deliveries, 2,500 of which were expedited deliveries. And finally, Ketchum checked her daily travel log to determine she had made a total of 360 sales visits to the company’s customers. Thomas’s next step was to determine how much of these cost drivers were attributable to each customer. Again, he was able to obtain some of that information (e.g., number of cases) relatively easily from the company’s records. Then his colleagues helped him determine customer numbers for the rest of the activities. Exhibit 2 presents this data for the four customers included in Thomas’s first report (Exhibit 1). Exhibit 1 JOHNSON BEVERAGE, INC. Report of Customer Profitability during the Previous Year for Four Customers Prepared by Jim Thomas Net revenues Cost of goods Gross margin Customer service costs Customer profit Customer profit (% of net revenues) Saver Superstore $ 1,168,000 1,048,000 $ 120,000 116,800 $ 3,200 0.3% Oscar’s OddLots $ 1,192,000 1,048,000 $ 144,000 119,200 $ 24,800 2.1% Midwellen Supermarket $ 121,520 104,800 $ 16,720 12,152 $ 4,568 3.8% Downtown Retail $ 454,500 393,000 $ 61,500 45,450 $ 16,050 3.5% Total for JBI $12,000,000 10,480,000 $ 1,520,000 1,200,000 $ 320,000 2.7% Exhibit 2 JOHNSON BEVERAGE, INC. Additional Information from Prior Year for Four Customers Price per case Number of cases Number of orders Number of deliveries1 Miles traveled per delivery Number of expedited deliveries Number of sales visits 1 Saver Superstore $14.60 80,000 16 110 5 10 12 Includes both expedited and regular deliveries. Oscar’s OddLots $14.90 80,000 40 400 19 250 25 Midwellen Supermarket $15.19 8,000 20 200 11 130 18 Downtown Retail $15.15 30,000 30 230 4 90 9 Total for JBI $15.00 800,000 500 4,480 10 2,500 360

Daryl Atkins

Daryl Atkins Eligible for execution is about Daryl Atkins murder case. Unlike most murder cases though Daryl Atkins was mentally retarded and the debate wasn’t weather he was guilty or innocent, it was if he should receive the death penalty for his crime or not. The location of the crime played a big role in the jury selection because York County was a more white area compared to Hampton County where Atkins abducted Nesbitt. â€Å"The prosecutor is the public official who represents the people in legal actions against the criminal offender† (pg 25).For serious cases like this case the prosecutor gets involved earlier and work with the police to create a case. Virginia appoints lawyers that meet certain qualifications to represent people who can’t afford a lawyer. Hampton County appointed George Rogers for Atkins and 2 lawyers for William Jones (Timothy Clancy and Leslie Smith). â€Å"Under Virginia law â€Å"the willful, deliberate and premeditated killing of a ny person during the commission of a serious crime, such as robbery, abduction, or rape, constitutes capital murder† (pg. 0). Daryl Atkins bail was overly excessive at $650,00 considering he wasn’t believed to be the killer, had know violent acts prior, and was to poor to actually post that bail amount. A grand jury is when a group of people are presented evidence from the prosecutor. The grand Jury looks over this evidence and decides if the case should go forward and proceed to trial which would be a ‘true bill indictment or if the case should be thrown out.The book talks how a grand theft charge can be moved down to a petit larceny charge through plea-bargaining. William Jones struck a plea bargain by saying he was guilty to all charges except non-capital murder. Punishment must fit the bill in the U. S. criminal justice system. A person who steals a TV isn’t going to jail for life but a person who kills a person may be going to jail for life. The more s erious the crime the more time must be spent on gathering evidence to make sure there isn’t a mistake which might cost an innocent person his life.The main argument against the death penalty is that killing is wrong so know matter who the person is. The other argument is that killers don’t think of the consequences when they act, so the death penalty doesn’t make a person not kill. Another objective is that life in prison should be justice enough; these inmates don’t pose a threat to society anymore so why bother killing them. The Furman v. Georgia case was important because at that time any person who was convicted of killing a person was punishable by death.Furman accidently killed William Micke and was found guilty, but the Supreme Court upheld the ruling and in doing so outlawed most uses of the death penalty. By having Mary Jones testify it showed how the murder affected the family and that her families’ life will never be the same. Judge Smil ey sentenced Daryl Atkins to death and set his date for execution for August 20, 1998. The Supreme Court decided that it was illegal to have a mentally retarded person receive the death penalty.Prior to the ruling South Carolina still allowed for mentally retarded people to be executed but they hadn’t executed any mentally retarded person after the Penry case. Since Daryl Atkins never had a IQ test prior to 18 they couldn’t use his test to declare if he was mentally retarded or not. The case continued and because of a Brady case infraction Daryl Atkins was sentenced to Life rather than the death penalty. Work Cited Walker, Thomas G. Eligible for Execution: The Story of the Daryl Atkins Case. Washington, D. C. : CQ, 2008. Print.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How to start a new business venture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

How to start a new business venture - Essay Example The entrepreneurs have to take multiple troubles for making their new business into a profitable venture. The success of a new venture mainly depends on the entrepreneurs’ skills and success of the new products. According to the Councils to America’s Small Business, Score, during 2008, â€Å"there were  627,200 new businesses,  595,600 business closures and 43,546 bankruptcies† (Score, 2010). Therefore, the risks involvements in a new business are very high due its vulnerability in the new market. However, in order to combat with such issues, entrepreneurs must consider a number of tasks before starting a new venture. Effective planning for plausible set of market strategy is one of the most crucial tasks for an entrepreneurs and for this a comprehensive marketing analysis and research is mandatory task (Longenecker et al, 2005, p. 147). This paper will attempt to present marketing mix strategies for a new venture based on the situational analysis in respect of proposed business plans. 2. Background of Scenario This business report deals with the formulation of marketing mix strategy for a new venture of private medical clinic in Birmingham. The private medical clinics offer wide ranges of health care services by taking care of the out patients. As this business associated with the people heath services, it is very necessary to offer a high quality of services to its patient. Besides the high quality services, marketing strategies are very important to promote the brand name in the health care market of Birmingham. Birmingham is a popular city of West Midlands county in England. This primary objective of this paper is to offer a set of plausible marketing mix strategies to the new private clinic supposed to be started in the Birmingham city. In this process, the health care market of Birmingham city as well as the entire UK needs to be assessed for identification of the target market. 3. Situational Analysis 3.1. Marco-environmental Fac tors Any industry and its players are supposed to be influenced by the multiple macro-economic factors which are uncontrollable external forces. Assessment of macro-economic forces is very necessary to evaluate the viability of new business. In this regard, PEST models are very useful which analyse the political, economic, socio-cultural and technological impact on a certain business (Allen, 2008, p.114). These factors are analysed below in respect of the new venture for private medical clinic. 3.1.1. Political The stable political system of UK is a major strength for the growth of a business. The chief of the state is the Queen and head of the government is the Prime Minister and it is responsible for regulating the business and health care related issues. The department of Health, UK is the apex body in regulating the heath care sectors of UK who develops proper legal frameworks (Department of Health, 2011). Besides, the Birmingham City Council is also responsible to regulate the Birmingham city’s affair. 3.1.2. Economic Stable economic condition of UK is also major requirements of the success

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The US Presidential Electoral System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

The US Presidential Electoral System - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the United States Electoral College system is the method that is used to translate the individual votes for a candidate into votes for the office of the presidency. While the system of electoral votes generally reflects the national will, it has the capacity to elect a president with a minority of the popular votes. Since its inception at the birth of our constitutional government, the Electoral College has been an issue that has been widely debated. While some see it as a stabilizing force in our two-party system, others see it as a vehicle that promotes unfair spending and inappropriate voter pandering. Intuition will tell us that in a democracy the popular vote should be the all-important component in the presidential election. Yet, the popular vote can bring the risk of chaos and splintered political parties. The US electoral system is in need of reform, and simple popular vote would be a move towards eliminating the current system 's inadequacies. The Electoral College system of electing a president uses a system where each state has a number of electoral delegates that are equal to the number of the members of the House of Representatives plus two. The voters then vote for a bloc of delegates that represent the individual candidates. After the election, the delegates cast their electoral vote and the winner is decided. This system was necessitated at the birth of the nation when counting a national popular vote was impractical.